
Sidewalk Chalk

 What's a mama to do when everyone is grumpy?

Little Mr. had the sniffles and a mean cough.  Wee Bloom and I were coming down with the same cold and in a bad mood. Having been stuck inside the stuffy house for two days, we were all feeling rather glum.

What was the cure for all our woes?

 Trundle everyone outside, into the bright Autumn afternoon...

And hand out some sidewalk chalk.

Note: This post has been linked to Friday's Nature Table at Magic Onions and  Creative Friday at Natural Suburbia.


  1. good thinking mama! I needed a remedy such as this most of the weekend x

  2. A brilliant and bold idea. I wonder why I don't think of it myself, more often. I wonder how it would cheer ME up to round up the dregs of the kids' old chalk and make a mark on the passing of days? Yours is now a swashbuckling driveway.

  3. Yes~ very good idea! Sometimes the best thing is just to get outside and play!


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