
Playing with the Big Boys

Can you feel the longing coursing through every inch of his little body?  He's desperately hoping they might invite him to play...


  1. Oh how it melts the heart. It makes you wonder what they are thinking. Huon was the same at this age. Now he is the big boy he will ask a smaller child if they wish to play (sometimes).


  2. I can't imagine any of my littles being that patient. They don't wait, they *demand* to play. Of course, then they all go crazy and the bumps and bruises begin. (:

    Despite watching my own youngest grow, I can't get over how *big* your Wee Bloom has gotten!

  3. so sweet. i love that you thought to capture the moment!

  4. Thank you all for your lovely comments -- it was poignant, indeed, to watch him stand there with such hope and aspiration. As it transpired, he watched the teenagers play for quite some time, then they put the ball down to take a rest. My little one cautiously toddled over to them and announced, "Ball! Big, big ball!" They knew exactly what he wanted and rolled it over to him. He played happily with the basketball for 20 minutes, or so, until we were ready to g,o and then he walked over and gave it back to them...

    1. Watch out - he's going to be a mover and shaker this one. It is lovelly when the older one's connect with the younger ones. Interestingly, it is the boys more so than the girls who do this without self-conciousness. @>---------

  5. I've known that feeling all my life. I would choose him first and foremost - that little heart so clear. It was a telling shot, a compelling one. Funny how there is kinetic energy, even in the flat report of the moment. Good eye, dear one. And good heart to have seen it so clearly.

    And good for the big boys. Good, good for them.


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