
book review :: journal sparks

FTC Compliant Disclosure:  I was sent a copy of this book by Storey Publishing Co. to facilitate a review, however, all opinions expressed below are entirely my own.

Nearly 5 years ago Emily Neuburger came out with her first book, Show me a Story.  This book was utterly delightful, so you can imagine how excited I was to hear that Emily had written a new book: Journal Sparks.


These small images I was able to download from Storey Publishing in no way do this book justice.  It's jam-packed full of colorful, whimsical inspiration for "No-Rules Journaling." There are ideas for word-play, color-play, mixed media collage and fanciful imaginings.

In addition to the rainbow-buffet of ideas Emily lays on the table, this volume also contains instructions for building your own journal (instead of buying pre-fabricated notebooks), plus there are contributions from other authors/artists who bring yet more ideas and inspiration.

As I paged through this book, I thought to myself how perfect Journal Sparks would be for any teenage or adult journaling-enthusiast...


And for younger children, too... The moment my 6-year old lay eyes on the book, he claimed it as his own.

We started off constructing tiny journals out of printer-paper, which my little one immediately filled with washi-tape, rubber-stamps and pencil-doodles.  So we quickly upgraded to THESE lovely spiral-bound, watercolor paper journals.

"Hope" is the thing with feathers... (Emily Dickinson)

And here's where I admit to you that I am not a journaling-enthusiast.  I haven't kept any sort of journal since my years at university, but Emily's Journal Sparks brought back to me the memory of my favorite sort of journal: the florilegium.  Florilegia is a Medieval Latin term describing books in which are written small extracts from other works; in my own little florilegium, I scribbled favorite quotes and short passages.

I am blinded by the glare of all the silver linings. (Elizabeth Cohen)

I'm having so much fun adding watercolor and collage illustrations to my favorite quotes, and am grateful to Emily for inspiring my return to this journaling tradition.

I cannot recommend this book highly enough for anyone who loves to journal, for anyone who loves to create mixed media art, for anyone who loves to doodle and for anyone who thinks they cannot do any of these things but might like to give it go!


hans my hedgehog :: en español!

Este patrón es la traducción al español del original “Hans My Hedgehog”:

Nos complacería que compartieras tus erizos en Ravelry. ¡Gracias! 

-- Dos tonos de la gama tierra (oscuro para el cuerpo, más claro para la cabeza) de una lana DK o Worsted (grosor medio). La cantidad dependerá de la tensión utilizada, yo usé aproximadamente 20 gr. de Drops Alaska para el erizo grande.

-- Un poco de fieltro marrón para las orejas

-- Unos 50cm de hilo de algodón para los ojos. También podrías usar pequeños botones o abalorios negros.

Utilizar una medida ligeramente inferior a lo que la lana requiere para que no se vea el relleno, en este caso la lana requiere una aguja 3.5 - 4mm (US 4 – 6) y utilizamos una de 3.25mm (US 3). El patrón se trabaja en plano y se cose al final. 

PD: Punto derecho  
2PR: 2 puntos revés
PR: Punto revés  
2PDj: 2 puntos derechos juntos
2PD : 2 puntos derechos 
2PRj: 2 puntos revés juntos

Punto de arroz
Trabajar las hileras como sigue: 
1ª h y todas las del derecho: *1 PD, 1 PR*; repetir de *a* hasta el final.

2ª h y todas las del revés: contrariando los puntos, es decir, *1 PR, 1 PD*; repetir de *a* hasta el final.

Es decir, se teje del revés en los PD y del derecho en los PR

Punto jersey
Alternar hileras de punto derecho y punto revés.

Erizo grande (aproximadamente 9cm de longitud)
Montar 24 puntos utilizando la lana de tono más oscuro para tejer el cuerpo del erizo.
Hileras 1 a 18: Punto de arroz : alternar una hilera *pd, pr* (repetir de *a* hasta el final) con una hilera de *pr, pd* (repetir de *a* hasta el final)
Hilera 19: Cambiar a la lana en tono más claro y *2PD, 2PDj* (repetir de *a* hasta el final) (18 puntos)
Hilera 20: PR
Hilera 21: *2PD, 2PDj* (repetir de *a* hasta el final) (14 puntos)
Hilera 22: PR
Hilera 23: *2PD, 2PDj* (repetir de *a* hasta el final)
Hilera 24: PR
Hilera 25: 2PDj toda la hilera (6 puntos)
Hilera 26: PR
Hilera 27: 2PDj toda la hilera, usando una aguja de tapicería, pasar la hebra por los 3 puntos restantes para cerrarlos.

Utilizando la hebra de color más claro, unir las dos mitades del hocico del erizo entre si y entretejer el cabo. Utilizando la hebra de color más oscuro que parte desde el punto donde se une el cuerpo al hocico, unir las dos mitades del cuerpo entre sí y entretejer el cabo.

Rellenar el erizo, pero que no quede demasiado “hinchado”. Utilizando la hebra sobrante del montaje de puntos, cerrar el cuerpo del erizo por la parte inferior con la aguja de tapicería (basta con pasar el hilo por la parte externa de cada punto, desde dentro hacia afuera) y entretejer el cabo.

Utilizando el hilo de algodón negro, decorar los ojos y el hocico. Si quieres que el hocico del erizo quede hacia arriba, hazlo con la costura del cuerpo mirando hacia arriba. 

Añade las orejas utilizando pequeños trozos redondeados de fieltro.

Erizo pequeño (aproximadamente 6cm de longitud)
Montar 16 puntos utilizando la lana de tono más oscuro para tejer el cuerpo del erizo.
Hileras 1 a 12: Punto de arroz : alternar una hilera *pd, pr* (repetir de *a* hasta el final) con una hilera de *pr, pd* (repetir de *a* hasta el final )
Hilera 13: Cambiar a la lana en tono más claro y *2PD, 2PDj* (repetir de *a* hasta el final) (12 puntos)
Hilera 14: PR
Hilera 15: *2PD, 2PDj* (repetir de *a* hasta el final) (9 puntos)
Hilera 16: PR
Hilera 17: 2PDj 2 veces, PD, 2PDj 2 veces
Hilera 18: 2PRj, 1PR, 2PRj

Usando una aguja de tapicería, pasar la hebra por los 3 puntos restantes para cerrarlos.

Ver instrucciones del erizo grande para el acabado.

Muchas gracias a "lokeando" (de Ravelry) por la traducción!


creative form drawing

After school, while I prepare something for my younger son to eat, he usually rummages for a book to read or some art supplies.  Lately his favorite activity involves crayons and the book Creative Form Drawing (Workbook 1) by Angela Lord.   In fact, he likes this book so much, it has taken up permanent residence on the kitchen table.

The book is broken down into lessons by age, with a gorgeous array of colorful drawings to illustrate the forms and principles.  Each lesson is methodically outlined by age/grade level and very clear; however, my son and I prefer to leaf through the book, choose a page of designs which appeal to us at that moment, and use the illustrations as inspirational launching points for our own kaleidoscope experiments.

While coloring books are a popular trend, the designs in this book take the user beyond mere coloring projects; with this book, my son & I feel encouraged to try our own original variations of each form. 

For our drawings, we adore the beeswax aroma of Stockmar crayons, however, our box of  regular crayons is too irresistible to leave on the shelf.  My son's favorite color is called "macaroni and cheese," while I keep coming back to the colors "tickle me pink," "dandelion," "wisteria" and "purple mountain majesty."

We might not bother to wait until he's 10 to get a copy of Workbook 2...


paper dolls

We have been big fans of The Paper Princess by Elisa Kleven for many years...

And recently this sweet book came across our radar (The Paper Dolls by Julia Donaldson).

Our own paper doll adventures ensued...