
seeking light

When the sun rose bright Wednesday morning, it felt incongruous after the horrifying results of Tuesday night. I got up to prepare breakfasts and pack lunches for my children with the birds and squirrels, trees and sun sparkling outside the window. There was the usual coffee & toast accompanied by rambunctious chaos in my kitchen, and the world beyond this tiny microcosm seemed dark and scary.

Does it sound naive to say that when in despair, it's time to look towards the light?  And to look in our hearts because there is light there, too?  And do something beautiful with our hands, because it can be healing for ourselves and for the world?  And then start again, raising our voices to stand up for what we know is right?

Here are a few places I've found words which feel helpful and true; and these are not just words of comfort, but words which call us to action, because now, as much as ever, action is needed: Clean, ben and birdy, Tara Lazar, plus this and this at Huffington Post.

Darkness cannot drive out darkness: 
only light can do that. 
Hate cannot drive out hate: 
only love can do that.  
Martin Luther King Jr.


  1. Well said. We in the land of down under are in shock too.

    1. Thank you for understanding. I vociferously supported Hillary (and she won the popular vote) but... oh my goodness. I feel embarrassed for my country right now, and am still so nauseated that I cannot eat.

    2. We are thinking of you. Best wishes.

  2. Sending you solidarity, and lighting a candle in Santa Cruz to try to keep our stumbles minimal and help this part of the world hold onto love. You are not alone, and together we are many. Peace and blessings to us all.

    1. Thank you for your words Kathleen. Yes. Together we are many and solidarity is as important right now as ever. It's so important to keep reminding each other that we are not alone -- quite the opposite. Sending my deep appreciation over Hwy. 17 to your beautiful corner of our world).

  3. Lost sleep on Tuesday night and went around in a daze on Wednesday, looking for silver linings.

    1. If you find any of those lost silver linings, I hope you will share some with me, because I cannot seem to find one single silver lining anywhere.

  4. Hello !
    A big hug from France for you. Here, we waited too because he afraided us. The light is important because we are in our hart when we look the candle and we can be with all the people who feel the same "tristesse".
    At Spring, in France, we will vote for a new president too and maybe a woman like your next president become our "chief". I'm afraid because I don't want that because maybe people in the world think we don't love strangers and it's not me.
    I send you all big hug and I think to you.

    1. Dear Christineh -- I will send prayers for the upcoming elections in France, and hope that the citizens in your country show more compassion and wisdom with their votes than many American citizens showed.

      On to more enchanting topics... I was able to order a copy of La Grande Tambouille des Fees and Petit Precis de Cuisine Elfique. Oh my goodness -- they are fantastically gorgeous & delightful books. Thank you for recommending them to me. I told a friend of mine about these books, and she ordered a copy of Les Grande Tambouille des Lutins; I am looking forward to seeing this book, too.

      And I noticed that you've started a blog. I especially love your first post where you show the "computer" and "television" you created for your sons. My older son created something similar for himself -- he drew & built a computer for himself from paper so he could play computer games! Excellent problem-solving!

      Sending love & hugs --

  5. Oh wonderful
    The same standing in our window.



    1. Thank you Eva -- It is always good to have angels around us, and I can see the ones in your windows are crafted with love.


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