

Below, you can find yet more inspiration for the pegdoll-style swap.  For this particular craft exchange, participants are welcome to create pegdolls or anything pegdoll-like.  Scroll through to see a variety of crafts based on matryoshka style dolls... and for information about joining the swap, click here.

photo & dolls :: the chocolate room

matryoshka fabric :: fabric.com

card & photo :: zakka life

matryoshka dolls :: kristen doran

matryoshka necklace :: poppychic

matryoshka hair clips :: chocolate room

dolls & photos :: artteajannell

matryoshka fabric :: spoonflower

dolls :: sam wedelich



This book has so many good ideas. The only edition currently available is in German. I can't read a word of it, however the images speak for themselves.

image from kokeshi-kult :: adeline klam

It offers a wide selection of projects, including aprons and tote-bags with appliques of sweet-faced kokeshi dolls, key-chains and ornaments, soft-sculpture dolls, brooches, and framed kokeshi-inspired artwork.

image from kokeshi-kult :: adeline klam

The ideas in this book were the inspiration for me to broaden the options for my latest pegdoll swap, giving participants the choice of creating pegdolls OR something pegdoll-inspired.  Below you will find more kokeshi-style inspiration... and for information about joining the swap, click here.

Cherry Blossom Geisha
kokeshi fabric :: spoonflower

I wonder what nice things could be made from kokeshi-patterned fabric?

kokeshi embroidery kit :: kristen doran

applique & photo :: chigu

dolls & photo :: griottes

photo & doll by risa: restlessrisa

And finally, you can click here to see a clever tutorial for making charming kokeshi-style dolls...


hold on to your hat

It was a "hold onto your hat" kind of morning as little one dashed though our favorite gardens (and I dashed after him) in the rain.

Note: If you have emailed me about the pegdoll-style swap and have not had an email back from me in response, please email me again.  My email has been buggy this week and a number of messages have gone astray.


pegdoll inspiration

Yes, I've launched another pegdoll swap!  If you'd like to join in, you can read all about it here.  For fun and inspiration, below you will find a small selection of a few of my favorite pegdolls.

dolls & photo :: painting pixie

doll & photo :: painting pixie

dolls & photo :: this cosy life

dolls & photo :: anna branford

dolls & photo :: mama westwind

doll & photo :: mama westwind

dolls & photo :: morning sun rae

dolls & photo :: morning sun rae

doll & photo :: painting pixie

dolls & photo :: mama westwind

doll & photo :: giants, wizards & dweebs

Nope, these are not peg dolls.  They are music boxes made by Ostheimer (however, both my children used them as teething toys).  I think they are rather pegdoll-like, don't you?

dolls & photo :: soft earth art

You're right.  These are not pegdolls, either, but with their round heads and bodies wouldn't you say they are pegdoll-like?

doll & photo :: forest fairy crafts

Okay, this is also technically not a pegdoll, but I can't resist the sweet smiles of Lenka's forest sprites... and since my current swap is pegdoll-style, let's just stretch the criteria and say that pipe-cleaner bendy-dolls are allowed, too...

Are you feeling inspired?  

You can find out more about the pegdoll-style swap here...


pegdoll-style swap

photo & dolls :: the chocolate room

The flat-item swap I hosted last month was fun, however, I received several wistful emails asking when I would be hosting another pegdoll swap.  I'm a sucker for wistful. I'm also game to facilitate anything which inspires fun, joy and creativity.

 So, here we go!  A pegdoll swap with a new twist.

photo & dolls :: the chocolate room

For this swap you are welcome to create pegdolls of any style, or anything pegdoll-like.  When looking for ideas, you might find inspiration among crafts based on matryoshka or kokeshi style dolls.

photo & ornament :: my sparkle

In fact, for this swap, you are welcome to create something which is not a pegdoll at all, however which contains pegdoll-like elements.  The most distinctive elements are, of course, a small, round face and a rounded body, usually with no arms or legs (however, it's all negotiable!).

Over the next week, I am planning blog posts with some ideas & inspiration: photos of a few of my favorite pegdolls, plus links to matryoshka & kokeshi influenced projects.  Note -- there are many wonderful matryoshka & kokeshi style projects, and this is why I am highlighting them, however, participants are NOT limited to matryoshka or kokeshi designs.  Choices for decorating pegdoll-style creations are endless...

kokeshi embroidery :: kristen doran

Why have I broadened the theme beyond traditional pegdolls?  It's the same reason I initiated the flat-item swap: postal rates have climbed so high that the cost of mailing parcels deterred people in certain countries from joining swaps.  By broadening the criteria, participants will have the option to create pegdolls OR to create something which is flat and hence less expensive to send via post.


 -- Sign-ups are open starting today (Monday April 21st.)

-- To sign up, please email me margaret (at) flyingteapot (dot) com with 1) your name 2) mailing address 3) email address 4) blog URL if you have one 5) a few sentences about yourself; you can mention your family, information about where you live, what kind of crafting you like to do, materials you like to use, etc... Even if I have all your information from a previous swap, please send it to me again.  This way I can cut and paste your information from the email instead of hunting through my archives.  Thanks!

-- This swap is open to anyone anywhere in the world and to participants of all crafting levels.

-- Each participant will be matched in a group of three (i.e. you will create a pegdoll or pegdoll-inspired item for each of your two swap mates and you will receive a pegdoll or pegdoll-inspired item from each of them in return.)

-- Sign-ups will close Monday, May 5th at 9 p.m. PST, and information about your swap-matches will be emailed to you by Tuesday May 6th.

-- By signing up for this swap you agree to create, with you own hands, a pegdoll or pegdoll-inspired item for each of your swap-mates and send them off in a timely fashion.

-- Preferably, parcels should be posted to recipients by Friday May 23rd.  If you are delayed in sending your parcels, it will be important to communicate this directly to your swap-mates.

-- Any questions?  Please feel free to send me an email!


dolls & photo :: griottes

P.S. Are you looking for pegdoll making supplies?  You can find some sources here.



A few weeks ago I made some butterfly brooches.  Looking at them, I kept thinking that the little felt wings would also make perfect finger puppets.  And so, of course, I had to make some. 

Wool felt: green, tan and a pretty color for wings
Embroidery needle & floss: green, brown, red and floss to match the wings

To start, cut 2 pieces of wool felt, 1/4 inch wider than your finger all around. You will also need to cut a small oval for the face and a pair of wings.

Embroider eyes and mouth, then stitch the face to the body of your butterfly.

Sew the wings to the back of the butterfly, and if you wish, add some embroidery.  You can also make antennae from embroidery floss, knotted at the ends

A few years ago I made ladybug puppets and we had fun singing ladybug songs, so, after I finished sewing, I went in search of songs to sing with our new butterfly puppets.  Here's what I found:

I love this Spanish song.  The words translate to English as follows: Little butterfly is in the kitchen making hot chocolate for her Godmother. Poti-poti... Some little wooden legs, a glass eye and the beak of a macaw. (This is quite the recipe -- I wonder whether her Godmother appreciated her ingenuity?)

I'm not fond of the animation in this video, but the song is really sweet.

For more butterfly projects, you can have a look here to see how I made flutter-kites, or here to see how these children made fluttering marionettes.  Plus, over at Twig & Toadstool you can find tutorials for both this hanging mobile and this gorgeous finger puppet.

Do you have any favorite butterfly art projects?  Favorite butterfly songs?  If you do, I'd love to know!