
flutter-kite craft

I posted about these flutter kites a year ago, and they are still one of my favorite crafts.  They're easy to create, fun, and great for rainy days when everyone is feeling cooped up.  We always seem to have one or two among the book shelves for a quick run around the house when the mood inspires. Just grab the end of the string, take a dash around the sofa, and these little kites will flutter & fly satisfyingly in your wake (or you can take your kites outdoors on fine autumn mornings as we did today.)

I usually make these kites from construction paper, but today I decided to get fancy and cut up some watercolor paintings.


Besides oak leaves, some of our other favorite shapes for kites are butterflies, fish and ladybirds.

Generally, I use cellophane tape to attach short pieces of yarn (about 15 inches long) to the kites; however, for this kite (made from heavy-weight watercolor paper) I trimmed a scrap and glued it to the back of the leaf, sandwiching the yarn between the leaf and the triangular scrap (see photo above.)

The kite is ready & now it's time to fly...

(or sit on a bench and give it a hug.)


  1. Beautiful! Can't wait to try this out with my little guy!

  2. Such a sweet craft! I'll be sharing on The Crafty Crow soon!

  3. Simply delightful as always. Warm wishes and a big hug.

  4. I love your crafts! you have a lot of creativity! greetings from Spain!


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