

My 3-year old normally sleeps though the night, however, he has been waking in the wee hours for the past week.  He wants a hug, to visit a bit and have something to drink before going back to sleep.  This leaves me feeling exhausted.


But every night, when I go to him, he greets me by saying, "Oh, mama! You look bloo-ti-ful."  Tousled hair, rumpled pajamas and all, I am bloo-ti-ful.  In that moment, I don't mind those wee-hours wake-up calls in the least.

What do your children say which, in that moment, makes your life seem perfect and takes your breath away with joy?

p.s. Rachel has such a way of seeing, understanding and writing about these sorts of moments.  You can find her inspiring words here, here, here and here...


  1. Ah, what a "bloo-ti-ful" post! I remember those sorts of moments fondly. Alas, now my toddlers are teens. However, just yesterday my daughter posted that her mom was "the best" on her favorite social media site. Music to my "eyes!"

    1. lovely! i imagine seeing that post by your daughter is just as wonderful as being called bloo-ti-ful!


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