Tag 6 friends/bloggers. People who are tagged (& choose to participate) will write these rules in their own blogs & share eight things about themselves that others might not know. At the end of the their blog post, they will tag six people and list their (blog) names. They will then leave a comment on the blogs of the people they’ve chosen, telling them they’ve been tagged and encouraging them to come over and read the eight things they’ve written on their blog.
Here are my "8 Surprising Things":
1 -- I am terrible at bowling. My nickname when I go bowling is "Gutterball Queen." But the last time we went bowling with Sweet Husband & Child, we had the bumpers up and I bowled the best game of my life. My new nickname is "Bankshot Betty." I am also terrible at ice skating.
2 -- I hate being photographed in my glasses (I do, however, love my geek-chic, tortoise-shell frames.) I will gladly be photographed in my sunglasses (I think everyone looks good in sunglasses -- they lend an aura of glamor and mystery.)
3 -- I would drink coffee all day if I could.
4 -- I think gasoline should be taxed to the point at which it costs at least $7/gallon. It might make some people in this country more conscious about the vehicles they choose to drive (or not to drive) and would (I suspect) create more support for better public-transit infrastructure.
5 -- I own a pair of red cowboy boots and am not afraid to wear them.
6 -- My favorite kitchen implements are my fluted tart pans. Just saying (or even thinking) the words "fluted tart pan" makes me smile. A good spatula is very useful, as is a dutch oven, a paella pan, a baking sheet, a sauce pan or a stock pot. It's hard to prepare a meal without a sharp knife, but, for me, nothing else holds the charm of fluted tart pans. And yes, just in case you were wondering, my fluted tart pans do have removable bottoms, which, if you use a little imagination, sounds naughty (but it's not...)
7-- I am obsessed with the Harry Potter series. Order of the Phoenix was one of the first books I ever read to Sweet Child. The book arrived 2 weeks after he did, so I read it to him.
8 -- I heard a song today on my car radio by Tom Waites. I like songs by Tom Waites. I haven't listened to music by Tom Waites in a while. I think I'll listen to music by Tom Waites more often. And speaking of music, I wish I could play the accordian...
* * *
Now you know.
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