
Twice 'Round the Sun

In heaven shone a golden star.
An angel led you from afar.
From heaven high unto the earth,
And bought you to your place of birth.

Oh, welcome, welcome lovely day,
With sunshine bright and flowers gay.
With painted birds that sing their song,
And make you kind and good and strong.

Happy Birthday little one... may you always shine, shine shine!

P.S.  Yes, he is our very own little Yankee Doodle Dandy (born on the 4th of July!)


  1. Happiest of birthdays to the wee bloom! (:

  2. Your beautiful blog makes me smile.

  3. I've ordered love and fireworks for him and you

  4. Hap bir day! As my wee one would say : ) What a happy little fellow, much loved. Hope it was a wonderful day. x

  5. Happy Birthday!!!
    Here is to many many more!!!

  6. Happy birthday! May it be full of blessings. And, yeah, fireworks!

  7. I was thinking of you & your Wee Bloom yesterday as we were riding our bikes to the Academy of Sciences. When we got home my own little ones distracted me & I never got online. Happy belated birthday, little guy!

  8. Happy birthday! Lovely poem, and such a sweet baby face! Happy milestones to the mama, too!


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