
Celebrating our Yankee Doodle Dandy

Yesterday while everyone here in the United States celebrated the birth of our nation, we also celebrated the birth of our wee Bloom.  That's right, he's a 4th of July baby...  Our very own little Yankee Doodle Dandy!


We glowed in the presence of 20 favorite friends who have blessed us with their love and support all through the long journey to grow our family.


  1. Such a beautiful post. Lovely, lovely happy baby!

  2. So beautiful! Congratulations on a full year with your amazing blessing!

  3. That is a delightful snap shot in time; wee Bloom and his M ~ Happy day to all of you xx

  4. Thanks for sharing this WONDERFUL joyous post over at Bliss Habits! I CAN NOT believe he is one already!!!

  5. I missed this post somehow! Happy birthday little one! What a lucky wee bloom he is!


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