
Birthday Cake

There are those who demand their slice of birthday-gateau topped by the pink sugar-frosting rose from the bottom left-hand side of the cake. I prefer my slice of birthday cake topped by a few extra rocks...

And an oak-leaf, or two, for good measure...

We've been practicing, you see. Little Mr. has a birthday coming up in a week, and my wee Bloom will be turning 2 the first week of July.  Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear children, Happy Birthday to you...  Now, do you think we can blow out all those candles?

This all reminds me of Bunny Cakes by Rosemary Wells.  If you're in need of a smile (or a good laugh), you might give this book a try...


  1. I love a fancy cake decorated with leaves and such too.
    And, turns out they aren't just for birthdays....
    Happy weekending.

  2. Oh, I love it!! We practice birthday parties. I apparently turn 3 just about every day, but sometimes it is one of her dolls or animals.

    1. Yes, indeed, practiced birthdays are almost as delightful as the real thing. So glad you stopped by to say hello!

  3. As a child, I spent enthralling hours creating birthday cakes and fancy parties with moss and stones. I love how unhindered the child imagination is - that sticks can weave together to make magical palaces, and a few seeds and grass bunches become a banquet for fairies. Thanks for sharing your lovely fun! It makes me want to slow down and LOOK.


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