
Chicken Soup With Rice

This October 
I will read
A book so fine, 
it's pedigreed.
Maurice Sendak's 
famous creed:
Reading once
reading twice
reading chicken soup
with rice.

I have lost count of how many times I've already read this to my wee Bloom today, and I expect to read it a few dozen times more before the day is done.  He stands by the rocking chair and pats the seat, indicating that I should sit down.  He chants, "BAH-bah-bah," which means he wants me to read a book with rhymes, and then he hands me one of our tired, battered, ancient copies.  And so we begin again...

Reading once
reading twice
reading chicken soup
with rice.

1 comment:

  1. So cute! With many of my boys books, I turned them into songs so that I could sing them whereever we were. It worked out great & helped keep them mildly interesting to me, too ;-)


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