A few minutes after Baby Bloom was born someone in the birthing room asked Little Mr., "What do you think of your baby brother?" Not taking his eyes off the sticky, squirming newborn, my 7 year old answered, "I've been waiting seven years for my brother!" Little Mr. B. had been waiting all his life for that moment...

During the years we struggled to have a second child I had a lot of time to think about why I wanted another child and to question my motives. Did I want another child to fulfill something for myself or was my priority wanting my son to have a sibling? In discussions with family and friends, I was strongly advised against having a second child just so my son could have a sibling. Over time, however, I realized that I wanted a larger family -- I wanted to mother a second child.

So, ultimately I didn't choose to bring another child into our family just so my son could have a sibling, but the miracle of it is that this has been the best part... I'm reveling in the relationship I see unfolding between my two children.

Little Mr. B. holds the baby's tiny hand when they ride together in the back seat of the car. He tries to soothe the baby when he cries and is eager to hold and feed him. Baby B. turns his head in his brother's direction and looks at him with wide eyes when Little Mr. comes into the room. This relationship is not one I could plan for or predict but I am reveling in the miracle and joy of it.