
Nose-Bead Removal Tutorial

Hello dearest one & all! I've missed visiting with you this past week...  My hectic summer has finally caught up with me and so, between daily swim lessons for Little Mr. B. and various summer-time adventures (all of which has wreaked havoc on Wee Blooms nap schedule) I cannot think straight, let alone sit down at the computer to tend this happy little blog space.

Wee Bloom is sleeping at the moment, but I'm not sure for how much longer, and so I'll leave you with this -- one of the best tutorials I've seen in a long time.  It was written by Danielle of the blog Most Days I Win.  I fear it puts all of my fancy craft tutorials to shame.  This post (and really, all of Danielle's posts) are funny, sweet and wise.  I hope you enjoy reading this tutorial as much as I did, and I also hope you never have cause to refer to it again for the purpose it was intended!


  1. Loved Danielle's post, and loved your comment there...this was hilarious! Makes you wonder...if God hadn't suggested it in the first place, maybe Eve wouldn't have bothered. Ha! Sorry, that's totally irreverent...but funny, too.

  2. good one! at least our blueberry was a little more forgiving: http://morningsunrae.blogspot.com/2009/10/blueberry-extraction-and-other-good.html

  3. I'm so glad you enjoyed it! I hope you never need it.

    Keep enjoying a lovely summer. I smelled Fall the other morning, so we should stay outside as much as we can. I still need to drink much more lemonade.


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