We set off to visit SFMOMA a few days before the start of the new year. When we arrived at the museum, we went right up to the third floor and were greeted by signs stating clearly: This exhibit contains photographs which some people might find offensive and which may not be appropriate for children. oops... I wish this statement about the exhibit had been featured on the SFMOMA website. Among other things, the exhibit contained photos taken by journalists of famous assassinations & executions, photos taken of celebrities by paparazzi and photos which could be considered pornographic by artists such as Robert Mapplethorpe. No, definitely not appropriate, so the children and I were exiled to the third floor foyer (along with other small groups of parents & children...)
We did have a nice time as a family looking at a large exhibit of photos by Henri Cartier-Bresson, but the best part of the day was when we visited the new Rooftop Coffee Bar and Sculpture Garden.

Except for the pesky Robert Mapplethorpe photos, we had a lovely time, and that Mondrian cake made it all worthwhile.
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