
spool knitting

Every time I pull out knitting my 4-year-old wants to join in, and so I searched my mind for a way he could participate. Then I remembered "spool knitting," and this little mushroom spool knitter from from Bella Luna Toys is perfect in every way. It's pleasing to the eye and to the touch; however, if you are interested in exploring other types you can do an internet search for "Knitting Nancy," "Spool Knitting," "French Knitting Doll," "Strickliesel," or "Knitting Tower."

Of course, I had to buy two of these mushrooms, because I knew that, once I started with my little one, my big boy would want to try.  My younger son is using a light weight sock yarn with his mushroom and this seems a little thin, while my older son is using a worsted from Noro which is a little heavy.  And so I would recommend using a sport or DK weight with these knitters.

My four year old cannot manage this craft on his own, but in tandem we work well together. I hold the mushroom and wrap the yarn over the wire hooks, and then my little one uses the wooden knitting needle to bring the loops of yarn over the hooks. I was surprised at how quickly he mastered the skill of manipulating the yarn with the knitting needle, and we both enjoy seeing the yarn "snake" grow in length. He is using rainbow yarn, so it's fun to see how the the colors of the snake evolve as we work.  And as we work, my 4-year-old often interjects, "I love this mushroom! I love knitting!" I feel the same way.

And here are the beautiful hands of my big boy. At some point soon I'd like to transition him to using two needles; I think this has been a good start and he's ready for the next step.  Meanwhile, we have also been trying out knitting looms...

Otherwise, things have been quiet around here this summer.  No big adventures or plans, and yet our days seem full.  How has your summer been so far?


  1. Oh, I should get a couple for my girls.

  2. My kids love these too! I found that the fine/gross motor for two needles came together around seven years old. Before that it was a lot of frustration. Every kid is different of course :). I love seeing them enjoy all knitting styles :)

  3. We just found one of these at a local thrift store for craft supplies. Made in West Germany. Thanks for helping us figure out what it is.


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