
He Looked at his own Soul with a Telescope...

He looked at his own Soul with a telescope. What seemed all irregular, he saw and showed to be beautiful constellations, and he added to the consciousness hidden worlds within worlds.

-- Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Notebooks


  1. What are you reading right now?

  2. What am I reading now? Oh, my! You are about to bear witness to my true addiction... I just read THE HELP by Kathryn Stockett. Now I'm reading a so-so book which jumps between a modern romance and the romance between Clara Schumann (wife of the famous composer) and Johannes Brahms but I need to get started reading OLIVE KITTERIDGE for my book group. I'm also browsing my way through a couple of cook books which I will probably post about soon...

    As for that quote, it had been floating around the edges of my memory since I stumbled across it 10 years ago. When I first read the quote, I thumbed through an entire collection of poetry by Coleridge but could not find the context or source. Finally, the other morning, I googled the quote. Clever me! but why I did not think of using google to find the source sooner, I cannot imagine...


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